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Clucker Tucker

With the cooler weather finally here, I'm gradually getting a lot of things done in the garden that I've been meaning to do.

Just to the right of where the chooks are in this picture, there were a few clumps of mat rush, you can still see part of it. It was only a few inches high when we planted the original plant a few years ago. It had seeded and spread to an area of about four square metres and was about a metre and a half high, so I decided it was time to clear it away and make that part of the garden a bit more productive.

Now there's a bit more sun getting in there, I've built a clucker tucker bed for the chooks. The idea is, I throw a load of bird seed in there and water it well. The chooks can't scratch it up because of the mesh over the top, but they'll be able to get to it once it reaches a couple of inches high and pokes through the mesh.

Taken with the Canon point-n-shoot.

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